Christian Poems
~ The Exhibit ~
by Colan L. Hiatt
With great interest, I surveyed
The state fair exhibits, some time ago
The many entries did portray
Outstanding work, someone did show
The pumpkin with it's weight and form
The quilt and melon each had their place
All manicured with the utmost care
Seeking a blue ribbon, in the race
How many hours and days were spent
Crafting and polishing, this their choice
Hoping to be number one
But with any ribbon, they could rejoice
But if I could infringe, upon your mind
This one thing, I pray you will see
The greatest Exhibit, I can comprehend
Occurred on Calvary, for you and me
Hoisted high, on a rugged cross
A "blue ribbon" of love was manifest
To a lost and debauched humanity
Truly here, - - God gave His best
No greater exhibit, the world has known
No greater price, has ever been paid
To all who seek Him, the offer stands
Undying love, He has conveyed